Download here. (apologies for the not-amazing MP3 quality)
I'm fairly new to this band, but when I heard this album I was speechless, and surprised that I'd never heard anyone talk about them before. I don't think it's premature to say this is one of the best post 2000 hardcore LPs to come out of Europe; they have (or had, I have no idea if they're still going) a really fresh style. They sound kinda like a weird mix of RORSCHACH, CHEETAH CHROME MOTHERFUCKERS and LOS CRUDOS, or something along those lines... It also reminds me a little of the great and underrated COLD SWEAT but predates them by a few years. They have a truly unique and gloomy sound, with crazy basslines and peculiar guitar riffs that complement the deranged vocals. As I stated before in a post about NEGAZIONE, the Italian language suits hardcore so well in my opinion...
Generally they keep things fast, and aren't afraid to mix in metallic influences, but I wouldn't say they were a metalcore band. I can also hear elements of the original power violence bands, with some MITB-style bass licks here and there... There's plenty of tempo changes, in the tradition of good Italian hardcore, and the energy levels are high. Also, their lyrics (which are nearly all in Italian) seem to be vehement diatribes against religion and the Catholic church. If it wasn't for the bad singing on the last song, it would be a near perfect release. Oh well, you can't win them all. Great record nonetheless, and recommended if you like things a little experimental. YES.

I have no idea if they are still active, so please leave a comment if you know more about them...
sweet record indeed. they are not active anymore, i'm pretty sure the drummer plays in another band, but forgot about it. they also have at least one more 7"
I'm currently in the process of getting that 7". Thanks for dropping by Ivan, keep up the good work with Fuck Yoga
I have a 7" of theirs and a friend of mine just put it on a CD for me, if you want the mp3's just send me a message. goforseven@hotmail.com
Great album. The singer is actually one of the greatest drummer I've ever seen. He used to play with Concrete.
I don't think its appropiate to post someone's private emailadress online... Its better if you foward messages via yourself to him, or let people surch online...
He is to be found, he played in an number of bands over the years (Los Vaticanos, Comrades, Concrete and Altare).
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