The interview from Tilt #8 is an interesting read; the interviewer questions the bands over them being macho, equates their horror-inspired lyrics with singing about porn/snuff, and criticises their "misogyny" and interest in serial killers. The last answer givcen sums up their attitude in response: "What a stupid question. Fuck off.". I guess the VOORHEES were kind of in 'the wrong place at the wrong time' during thie period: the politicized hardcore scene of the mid-90s, and 'right on' attitudes towards everything from what you should sing about to how you should act on stage, meant the band's violent imagery and sense of humour went over the scene's collective heads... They were 'the real deal', to quote ANTIDOTE. Oh well, I know I'd rather listen to VOORHEES and watch Texas Chainsaw Massacre than listen to ENDPOINT or any number of other bad 90s bands... does that make me a bad person? Click on the images to see bigger readable versions...

As a counterpart to the above interview, I've scanned in a "recent" detailed interview with Sean about his time in VOORHEES from great but shortlived UK zine Murder Contest, #2 (2004). Note on the last page the flyer from when HATEBREED supported them...

P.S. The VOORHEES 'Spilling Blood Without Reason' LP is, in my opinion, a classic hardcore record. Coming out at a time when most hardcore bands wanted to sound like EARTH CRISIS, VOORHEES instead wanted to sound like NEGATIVE FX and IMPACT UNIT, and did a fucking good job of emulating the early Boston sound in a uniquely English way (there's strong elements of HERESY and RIPCORD in there too). Plus they had a great aesthetic, and notice how the back cover of 'Spilling Blood Without Reason' is a homage to the back cover of 'Get It Away'. YES
great LP. awesome NA tour.
The VOORHEES 'Spilling Blood Without Reason' LP is, in my opinion, a classic hardcore record.
not just in your opinion and that´s why it will be posted on my blog soon!
thanks for the interview!
One of the silliest and worst bands I've heard in my life. Utter crap.
punk rock cant be dead serious all the time. get a sense of humor or somthin
"I also wanted to have the whole Voorhees hockey mask. Bear in mind Voorhees were doing that before Slapshot had a hockey mask on any of their records or anything like that"
Wow, complete fail. The Slapshot 'Same Mistake' EP had the hockey mask in 1988.
anonymous is right on that one.
Check out the Voorhees upload over on Am I Mean blog:
check out the VOORHEES interview here:
even tough I somehow fucked up while I made the scans!
ah, Brob Tilt, where is that class warrior now anyway?
in tilt interview mr. interviewer seems to be so right on... as if there were not enough parents, teachers, bosses, cops and the like to tell everyone what to do. punk scene needs more people like him so that the revolution can finally start and world will definitely turn to a better place......
This Tilt character makes a fucking hilarious job of himself in that interview, I'm almost inclined to think he does have a sense of humor and is having a jolly great larf behind the scenes.
I've always super extra totally hated it when zine "journalists" prop their interviews full of parenthesised disses, put-downs and "explanations" of shit they didn't make out in the actual interview. What the hell. Do they think knocking their interviewees when they can't retort is an example of editorial responsibility? Silly fuckers.
Endpoint is kinda hard to listen to.
Don't know who does this blog but wouldn't it be common courtesy to ask if one can reprint my zine on the internet?
Brob (himself)
Mr. Brob Tilt demanding attention yet again wanting to be all important.
Take it as a compliment someone's put your crappy self-important interview on the net.
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